make your 20's count

1. Quit making excuse

  • Do it even when you think you will fail
  • Yes, people might judge you but why should you care?
  • It’s hard because you haven’t found out how to really do it.
  • You are good enough, just do it.
make your 20's count

2. Eat healthier

make your 20's count by eating healthy

3. Find your tribe

4. Establish a sleep routine

establish a sleep routine

5. Make your 20’s count by avoid getting easily distracted

6. Read self- help books helps make your 20’s count

7. Start spending time with people you want to be like in the future

make your 20's count

8. Learn how to take responsibility of your actions

9. Learn how to save money

  1. Handle money smartly.
  2. Have power over your future.
  3. Go after chances.
  4. Be you ready for surprises
make your 20’s count

10. Make your 20’s count by learning how to make passive income

11. Do not settle for anything that doesn’t make you happy

To sum up how to make your 20’s count