Calming Night Practices For A Classy Lady

classy lady lighting up a candle


  • Create a playlist for easy accessibility.
  • You could pay a small fee to have no advertisements in between your playlist.
  • You can set a timer so that the music goes off especially if you want to sleep while listening to it.


  • Before ordering, check restaurant reviews to make sure they have quality food.
  • You could pair your main meal with some side dishes to ensure an ultimate experience.

Advantages of chamomile tea

  • Helps reduce puffy eyes.
  • Promotes relaxation which helps you tackle your glow up goals.
  • Improves sleep to supporting digestive health and boosting immunity.

Examples of positive self- affirmations

examples of positive self - affirmation for a classy lady


  1. Too hot water dries out the skin, find the right balance.
  2. Have a glass of water to drink while you soak in the bath.
  3. Make sure that the products you use have ingredients that relax and hydrate your skin.